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“The Lord has anointed me. He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor”
(Isaiah 61:1)

The Priesthood of Christ is that role by which He enables us to approach God and brings God into the everyday lives of His people. The faithful are called to exercise a Priesthood by virtue of Baptism, which makes them “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation”, deputed to share in Christ’s role of giving glory to God in the Sacred Liturgy.

In addition to the baptismal Priesthood of the People of God, there is the ministerial or ordained Priesthood. By means of this Priesthood, the healing and saving action of Christ in the sacraments continues in the world. Those called to ministerial Priesthood must be baptized, male, confirmed, at least 25 years of age, possessing a sufficient maturity and with such personal abilities and temperament as make them fit and worthy to exercise this ministry, despite their own unworthiness and shortcomings.

In addition to his primary role of preaching and proclaiming the Gospel, and celebrating the Eucharist and other sacraments, the priest also collaborates with all the faithful in exercising their proper roles and functions in the Church as disciples of Christ.

Called to Priesthood
In the spirit of the above description of Priesthood, those who feel they may have a call to exercise this ministry are encouraged to speak to their Parish Priest, trusted family members and friends, and to the Vocations Director of the Diocese.

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