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“After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit.”
(John 20:22)

Confirmation is the Sacrament of Christian maturity. It is that time in the life of the Christian when they claim the dignity and the duties of their Baptism and receive the particular grace and strength of the Sacrament whereby they share in the life and strength of Christ Himself in facing all the challenges, cares and concerns of life. Confirmation disposes the person to begin to choose their state of life, that is, the particular vocation or path which they are called to follow as a credible and committed disciple of Christ.

Confirmation is administered by the Bishop or his delegate by means of applying to the person’s forehead a dab of the Holy Oil of Chrism, a mixture of olive oil and sweet-smelling balsam. It was by means of this anointing that God imparted His strength and power to the kings, priests and prophets of the Old Testament.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is generally celebrated when the person has reached the age of 12 and is in 6th class in Primary School. It is preceded by a Ceremony of Commitment to enroll for Confirmation in the Parish in which the young person signs, before the Altar, a pledge to prepare themselves well for the Sacrament.


Our Parish Confirmation Preparation Program is a set of three Sunday Masses in which the candidates for Confirmation participate in a particular way.

The person chooses a Confirmation name, usually that of a saint, to inspire and guide them in their Christian life.

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